The goals I've set myself:

Run 21km in less than 100 minutes
Since Nov 2022
I've already learnt a lot from running. First, what gets measured influences our goal setting. I don't actually want to run 21km in less than 100 minutes, I want to be fit and have strong legs, but I can't measure that as easily as the number of minutes. Second, recovery (what happens between runs) matters no less than running itself, which got me thinking about how my off-work time influences my work. I wonder what else I'll learn on this journey.

Reduce the negative impact of waste on climate, environment and health
Since Feb 2020
To achieve this I founded At Samudra we are experimenting with approaches and organisational structures that have not been tried before.

Never stop making friends
Since Feb 2020
I've noticed that at a certain age people stop making new friends. I realised that some day I might lose my ability to strike up a conversation with a stranger and grow it into a friendship. To avoid that, I decided to meet at least a couple of new people every week. Lunchclub has been a huge help. Apart from making new friends, this has changed my perspective on the world.

Visit 200 most exciting cities
Since Jun 2009
I am a big city addict. I feel truly alive when I am in a big city. I love their idea density, their fast pace, and their excellence in food, street art and academic research. My goal is to visit all of the world’s biggest cities and the cities that are relatively small but are the biggest in their country or surrounding geographical area. See my current list of 200.

Have my own Meetup
Jun 2019 - Feb 2021
I created the London PyTorch Meetup together with Paul Dowling. Our aim was to provide a platform where London-based machine learning professionals can share their experiences, make new friends, find advice and initiate collaborations. After 15 events both in person and online the group grew to more than 1000 members.

Become a superhost
May 2018 - Sep 2018
Ever wondered what the superhost label means on AirBnB? At the moment in my life when I was living alone and had flexible work hours, I decided to find out! It was a fun journey of meeting people from different walks of life, chatting late into the night over many cups of tea, surprising my guests with the smell of pancakes in the morning. I got the superhost label!

Get a PhD
Sep 2015 - Sep 2019
My academic background is in mathematics; I did a PhD at the interface of machine learning and genomics - somewhere between computer science and biology departments. Based on my experience, here is my advice on how to select the right PhD, make the most of it, pass your viva and finally make the most of your new title.